Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cascade Locks, OR

We made it through Wash­ing­ton and crossed the Bridge of the Gods into Ore­gon today. A bit over 500 miles down now, and about 2100 to go. The weath­er through Wash­ing­ton end­ed just as it start­ed, with a soak­ing rain. We did have two sun­ny, nice days before that though. Those were the only two […]

Snoqualmie Pass

We made it to Sno­qualmie Pass, WA this after­noon, about 250 miles into the hike.  To say it’s been wet is an under­state­ment. It has rained or snowed, or both every day. The last few days the trail has been a riv­er of run­ning water, since the snow that had pre­vi­ous­ly fall­en over 5000 get […]

Gear List for Winter PCT Hike

We are leav­ing tomor­row (Mon­day, Octo­ber 20th) to get to the start of the trail and start hik­ing on Tues­day. Pep­per and I are def­i­nite­ly in the last minute scram­ble now putting the fin­ish­ing details on every­thing and try­ing to tie up all the last minute things. Here’s a link to the gear list and […]

Winter PCT Map

You’ll be able to fol­low along on the trip here once we start next week and I start updat­ing our posi­tion (prob­a­bly once a day or once every few days depend­ing on how long the bat­tery ends up last­ing)

Winter PCT Attempt Update

With under a week until we hit the trail, we are scram­bling to tie up all of the loose ends. We have made a last minute change to the plans. We have decid­ed to head up to the Cana­di­an bor­der to attempt the trip south­bound, instead of north­bound. We’ll keep you posted!

Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2014

Here’s a good blog post on a bunch of new prod­ucts shown at the OR show this sum­mer. These prod­ucts will be avail­able next year. ( I saw a cou­ple oth­er prod­ucts that also seemed real­ly inter­est­ing for the UL back­pack­ing com­mu­ni­ty. Var­go Out­doors was show­ing a pro­to­type Ti cram­pon that was for running/light uses […]

Lyme Disease on the Appalachian Trail

I do not like to blow things out of pro­por­tion like the typ­i­cal main­stream media, but this has not been heav­i­ly pub­li­cized and needs to be said. I firm­ly believe that there is an epi­dem­ic on the Appalachi­an Trail. I haven’t thru-hiked the Appalachi­an Trail since the win­ter of 2005/2006. How­ev­er as an active mem­ber in […]

Outdoor Retailer Winter 2014

I know a lot of peo­ple post on the Out­door Retail­er show. It is a hec­tic and amaz­ing trade show where all of the lat­est gear is on dis­play. There are some great write-ups around the web about the show and the lat­est and great­est prod­ucts being dis­played, like this one from Will Rietveld: and […]

Leaving for Copper Canyon

I am fly­ing out for Mex­i­co tomor­row and will be meet­ing Cam in Chi­huahua. We will then be tak­ing a bus to Creel and then to the start of the walk. If all goes accord­ing to plan we will most like­ly start hik­ing on Mon­day after­noon. You can fol­low along. Loca­tions will begin being displayed […]