Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2014

Here’s a good blog post on a bunch of new prod­ucts shown at the OR show this sum­mer. These prod­ucts will be avail­able next year. (http://gossamergear.com/wp/gear-love/outdoor-retailer-summer-market-2014-will-rietveld-janet-reichl)

I saw a cou­ple oth­er prod­ucts that also seemed real­ly inter­est­ing for the UL back­pack­ing community.

  1. Var­go Out­doors was show­ing a pro­to­type Ti cram­pon that was for running/light uses that could take the place of micro-spike type prod­ucts. These would­n’t be for super tech­ni­cal ter­rain but could be great for a back­pack­er. They were main­ly for under the front of the foot and were super packable. 
  2. Var­go was also show­ing some appar­el that had Ti infused fab­ric for anti-micro­bial. While I don’t think I would change from using meri­no wool since this is still using syn­thet­ic fab­ric, I do think this tech­nol­o­gy could be more sus­tain­able than the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion of using sil­ver as an anti-microbial.