Barlow Pass, Highway 35, Oregon

We made it past Mt Hood last night in a howl­ing wind. A friend picked us up and brought us into Port­land for resup­ply, a warm night, and to get orga­nized for the next sec­tions. It was pret­ty nasty around Hood with 45 mph sus­tained winds and gusts over 65. Need­less to say, the wind was near­ly blow­ing us off our feet! Plus the tem­per­a­ture was 18 degrees with wind chill val­ues of — 8. It’s start­ing to feel a lot like win­ter and the fore­cast is call­ing for two feet of snow tonight and tomor­row too!
558 miles down now. Head­ed to Bend for the next resupply.
Link to some pho­tos from the first 550 miles here:
(copy text into Web browser) 

Quote of the trip so far from the toll lady at the Bridge of the Gods cross­ing into Ore­gon over the Colum­bia River:
‘sir, that’s going to be 50 cents for a pedes­tri­an to cross the bridge.’
‘Even if we are hik­ing the PCT? ’
‘you can’t be hik­ing the PCT now. are you real­ly? You GOTTA be kid­ding me!’