Willow Springs Road, Tehachapi, CA

We made it to Tehachapi Wil­low Springs Road yes­ter­day evening to com­plete the next stretch. We have been on clear trail for the last the the days and have been able to do 30+ miles per day once again. We expect clear trail to con­tin­ue for at least the next 150 miles also. It is great to not have to nav­i­gate and pay close atten­tion to where you are head­ed all of the time.
We have been going through some of the dri­er stretch­es of the trail and have had a cou­ple of water­less stretch­es of near­ly 30 miles. It’s amaz­ing how fast the tran­si­tion from wet, high ele­va­tion Sier­ras to dry hap­pens on the trail.
About 560 miles to go now!