Agua Dulce, CA

We got into the small town of Agua Dulce yes­ter­day after­noon. This is a bit­ter­sweet stop. We are now over 2200 miles into the hike with 455 miles remain­ing. But most impor­tant­ly it is great to see the Saufley‘s again after a few years. This has always been one of the best stops on the trail. Recent­ly Jeff and Don­na decid­ed it was time for them to stop host­ing hik­ers. Pep­per and I will be the last hik­ers here. It’s the end of an era and when we walk out of here tomor­row it will be sad to close that door, but I am excit­ed for what lies ahead for Jeff and Don­na and for us on the trail.….
The last few days have been hot, def­i­nite­ly not sum­mer hot, but when you are com­ing out of win­ter and snow it has felt sum­mer hot. We have seen flow­ers bloom­ing, green hill­sides, trees bud­ding, and birds singing. It feels like spring is coming!