2013 John Muir Trail

I had about 6 days with­out much going on. Since I was free I decid­ed to go out and hike the John Muir Trail. It was great to get back out on good trail tread and hike. I aver­aged about 35 miles per day and com­plet­ed the trail in 5.5 days. I was hop­ing for a lit­tle bit more snow on the pass­es, but in this low snow year that was­n’t hap­pen­ing. It was amaz­ing to see the dif­fer­ence in the land­scape and amount of snow from when I skied through about a month ago. The sea­sons had def­i­nite­ly changed, the mos­qui­tos were already start­ing to come out, and areas were already begin­ning to dry out. On pre­vi­ous PCT thru-hikes I was nav­i­gat­ing and fol­low­ing map and com­pass through the basins and over pass­es. My shoes were wet for two weeks straight through this seg­ment. On this hike I could fol­low trail over pass­es and only had wet shoes for half of a day and was able to eas­i­ly cross most of the fords by rock-hop­ping. It was great to see the Range of Light under a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent “light”.

Here are a few pic­tures from the trip.








