2005 CDT/GDT

I start­ed hik­ing from the Mex­i­can bor­der in New Mex­i­co on May 17th. I fin­ished hik­ing in the Cana­di­an Rock­ies on Sep­tem­ber 18th, 2005. This trip was awe­some. I have only found two sto­ries about the GDT on the inter­net, since it is sort of a makeshift trail. Find out more at www.rmbooks.com.

The GDT is a dif­fi­cult trail it dwarves the cross-coun­try of the CDT, but every­thing you have to go through is well worth it. The GDT goes through some of the pret­ti­est places that I have ever been. The col­or of the lakes from the glacial run-off are unbelievable.

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