
Maps and Logistics:

Below is a list of logis­tics and mapsets that I have created.

(The logis­tics link to the doc­u­ments but the maps are too large and too many files so con­tact me to get a DVD or get a link to Drop­box to down­load the files.)

On some of my hikes I have cre­at­ed the route that I have fol­lowed. On these routes I have tried to map the routes using dig­i­tal map­ping soft­ware, if at all pos­si­ble. I have done this because it helps dur­ing the hike and so that I can help out any­body plan­ning a sim­i­lar trip. I now have a lot of maps stock­piled. I have also typ­i­cal­ly typed up logis­ti­cal infor­ma­tion about the resup­plies, trav­el to the start and end of the trails, per­mits, and oth­er nec­es­sary evils. On oth­er routes there is a read­i­ly avail­able pub­lished guide­book, but it lacks qual­i­ty maps or the logis­tics details that a thru-hik­er needs. I have also cre­at­ed a mapset for these routes, like the Hay­duke Trail and Sier­ra High Route. If the route is an estab­lished route cre­at­ed by the author of the guide­book, like the Hay­duke Trail, I still high­ly rec­om­mend car­ry­ing the guide­book. The mapset will be very help­ful but the guide­book will have the route in descrip­tion and more infor­ma­tion on water sources.

If you are inter­est­ed in hik­ing in any of the areas then con­tact me through the con­tact me form on this web­site and I will send you a DVD with the maps or share them with you using Drop­box. This should save you a lot of time in plan­ning and get­ting ready for your trip.

The maps are free of charge, but I would appre­ci­ate any­thing that you would give back to cov­er the costs of the dvd, jew­el cas­es, postage, map­ping pro­grams, and the count­less hours that I have put into mak­ing these (even after I have hiked the route and don’t need to per­fect the maps anymore).

P.S.- Also, these “routes” are just that. They are not trails like the Appalachi­an Trail or Pacif­ic Crest Trail. There may or may not be trail tread on the ground and more often than not the route is a con­glom­er­ate of trails, cross coun­try, and some 4WD roads. They are “choose-your-own-adven­ture” hikes and there is more than one way that you could go. Don’t feel like the route that I have plot­ted is the only way, instead it is just an exam­ple of what has worked, and often there are alter­nates mapped as well.

Side notes:

  • When I was plan­ning my Scan­di­navia trip, I could not find a dig­i­tal map set for Nor­way or Swe­den. If any­body finds one please let me know. Or if some­body is inter­est­ed in doing this hike and they find a dig­i­tal map set, I will map out my route for you on the map­ping software.